The Blog

Photo by Francesco De Tommaso on Unsplash On Friday, we hit a bear market and then dipped out of it...

Apparently, if you like the idea of a four day workweek, it might be assumed that you aren't very engaged or invested in the job. Why there is such black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking is bizarre to me. And I wasn't hesitant to say so. I said what...

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash In an article that should surprise no one, LinkedIn asserts, "Workers can't escape their emails." ( I would add tools like Zoom, Slack, Teams, etc., to that list. I don't think email takes all the blame. In the blurb, editor Gianna...

[buzzsprout episode='10642417' player='true'] What is quiet quitting? And why do I think we will see more of it in the coming months...

Subtitled: Or what RTO doesn't care to get. Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash I'm not one to bury a thesis or edge around making a bold statement. So I'll just say it: not everyone on this planet is a 25-year-old WASP who wants to be on...

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash I once worked with a client company that had a manager on staff they referred to as Chicken Little. (Not ever to his face, as far as I know.) He had a reputation for panicking and treating everything that happened...

Photo by Peter Lloyd on Unsplash. Such a mood. The other day, a post from a self-professed LinkedIn "influencer" popped up in my feed and it was an apparently unironic celebration of RTO and pizza parties. And I sat there like, "This person cannot be serious. Are...

Photo credit to I've spoken many times before about what I unaffectionately call the Digital Panopticon. This is a reference to Jeremy Bentham's construct of a panopticon, which is a building that is designed for surveillance. The occupants don't necessarily know if they are being...

Photo by Viktor Talashuk on Unsplash Feeling like deja vu? It does to me. I recently watched Orlando Miner's video "Massive Layoffs Have Started | Housing Market 2022" that you can find here: As he says: it's not about gloom and doom, it's about giving you...

Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash Ahh yes. The good ol' cube farm. Who misses that? Prolly no one. Or at least no sane person. Last week, LinkedIn asked an interesting question: "Teams: Do they still work?" You can find the article here: Of course there...