The Blog

Ding, ding, ding! "American workers quit 4.2 million jobs in August, but one type of employee appears to be getting cold feet about switching employers or quitting to take a career timeout: office workers. Worries about slowdowns, such as Amazon’s recently announced hiring freeze for retail corporate...

[buzzsprout episode='11474719' player='true'] Recently, Orlando Miner published a great video titled, "The Housing Market Bubble Just Popped." Someone needs to tell greedy sellers here in the Midwest LOL. A lot of them haven't gotten the memo yet. At about 8:30, he makes the comment about "sitting out...

I’ve not been shy in saying I do not think the true unemployment rate is 3.5 or 3.7%. I also do not believe the jobs “added” month after month are: a) legitimate; b) offering a living wage with benefits; and c) ever going to actually...

[buzzsprout episode='11466422' player='true'] Key topics: ✔️ ICYMI news, 10/9 - 10/14. ✔️ The war hawks want war and they're not being shy in saying so. As soon as you drop the term "regime change" in the media, your agenda is really obvious. ✔️ The yard sales and garage sales...

[buzzsprout episode='11494978' player='true'] As I've said many times before: IMO, naivete is coming at too high of a price these days. BoA is warning: "US economy will soon start losing 175,000 jobs a month." They also predict job losses all through 2023. Do you have a job...

[buzzsprout episode='11451680' player='true'] In the same way that real estate websites are FINALLY starting to admit the housing market is a hot mess, we're seeing the early wave of reports that the labor market isn't quite so hawt either. IMO, the new narrative appears to be: Yeah,...

Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash Recently on Medium, Ted Bauer published, "Is there a reckoning for bad bosses in the current resignation/quit climate?" which you can find here: This was published on September 20th. One thing I want to interject is that I do not...

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash On Monday, LI published the article, "Worker wins webcam privacy suit," which you can find here:  In the blurb, we read: "A U.S. software company must pay $72,700 to a remote worker who was fired for refusing to keep his...

[buzzsprout episode='11409693' player='true'] О Боже! Not unlike Kevin O'Leary's napalm on LinkedIn about quiet quitting, Dr. Phil has weighed in on the subject. On Thursday, 9/29, the episode "Quiet Quitting: Lazy Employees or Taking a Stand?" hit the air waves and it featured people on both sides...