Author: Sara Causey

Photo by Javier García on Unsplash   Forced corporate fun sucks. So do the phony-baloney staged photos of, "Wow! Look at how much fun we're having here!" Yucko. On October 24th, I published a bonus podcast episode titled, "Kill the Corporate Forced Fun" because it's way past time...

And I thought layoffs via Zoom were ghastly. Apparently another company thought, "Oh yeah? Hold muh beer and watch this!" "United Furniture Industries laid off all 2,700 workers while they were sleeping" - "A big US furniture company this week fired all of its 2,700 employees while they...

- Ted Bauer published this yesterday. If only! I've actually been dealing with a couple of people who have decided to get in my sandbox during Thanksgiving week and it's pretty annoying. I'm still trying to recover from the 'Rona and the exhaustion has lingered on....

Remember this? -   Here’s the thing: The Fed has not been shy in saying they want to see unemployment rise and wages stagnate. So some realtor or broker telling you to pick up extra work would seem to me to be especially ill-informed of reality. What if the option of...

[buzzsprout episode='11702367' player='true'] Key topics: ✔️ ICYMI news, 11/14 - 11/18. ✔️ More six-figure earners are shopping at Walmart because they have to. We're also finally allowed to know that credit card debt is going through the roof. ✔️Are there people who game the system and lie? Of course....