Author: Sara Causey

[buzzsprout episode='10930026' player='true'] Saturday broadcast, 7/2 - 7/8. Key topics: ✔️ ICYMI news. ✔️Jobs are plentiful - 2 for every 1 unemployed person! Gas prices are down! No recession at all! Inflation is transitory! Suuuuurrreeeee. Does your personal economy feel like it's rip-roarin' and doing awesome? ✔️Zuck says if you wanna leave,...

Earlier, that headline contained the word "unexpected" but was changed. Was it unexpected? Not if you listen to my podcast or read this blog with any frequency! Remember: unemployment is considered a lagging indicator. By the time some talking head officially tells you, "Unemployment is up....

[buzzsprout episode='10826405' player='true'] One common question I'm getting is: how to prepare without the panic? How to get ready for a tough economic time without being Chicken Little? Key topics: ✔️ Personally, I don't think we're headed into Mad Max or World War Z territory. Some people like to stir...