
On the heels of this bizarre info: -https://www.businessinsider.in/policy/economy/news/your-job-is-probably-safe-even-in-a-recession-employees-are-going-to-have-the-upper-hand-for-years-/amp_articleshow/95980473.cms which I reported on yesterday, now we have an absolute laundry list of companies that have laid off in Q4. I wonder if those people feel like they have the upper hand? According to LinkedIn, December layoffs have included Wireless...

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Trapped in a home or an apartment + trapped in a job + trapped by finances / debt = trapped. Full stop. We need to acknowledge this and stop tiptoeing around the topic. On Medium, Jared A. Brock published: -https://medium.com/surviving-tomorrow/jp-morgan-announces-it-will-spend-1-billion-to-devour-homes-and-rent-trap-people-forever-4a16a677429c I feel like Bruce Banner in The...

[buzzsprout episode='11775701' player='true'] Key topics: ✔️ ICYMI news, 11/28 - 12/2. ✔️ Forced fun is not fun? Wowee, ya don't say! ✔️Some candidates will apply to a job they don't actually want in an effort to get a raise, a promotion, etc. IMHO, if you are commanding everyone to RTO and you're...

[buzzsprout episode='11745649' player='true'] It would be nice if those Progressive Insurance commercials where you could ask for an official review/replay in life actually existed! Unfortunately, in the business world, you may occasionally encounter someone who behaves like Jon Lovitz as the Pathological Liar. Hence we add to the...

Photo by Javier García on Unsplash   Forced corporate fun sucks. So do the phony-baloney staged photos of, "Wow! Look at how much fun we're having here!" Yucko. On October 24th, I published a bonus podcast episode titled, "Kill the Corporate Forced Fun" because it's way past time...