
[buzzsprout episode='11224744' player='true'] Key topics: ✔️ ICYMI news, 8/29 - 9/2. ✔️ Media still on that "labor shortage!" train. 🦜 ✔️ Rich folks are spending and not feeling the pinch of inflation. Meanwhile, we're given contradictory information that everyone else is doin' better, not living paycheck to paycheck as...

As layoffs increase, can you answer this question: if you lost your job, do you have a game plan?   [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwGvRSbT19E[/embedyt]   Disclaimer: this is not advice. I cannot tell you what to do and each person listening to this episode will have a different set of circumstances....

-https://fortune.com/2022/09/01/washington-post-ceo-fred-ryan-blames-remote-work-poor-performance/ Jeez. *rubs temples like Chef Ramsay in a bad restaurant*   Have you figured it out yet? Whatever economic 💩 storm be a'brewing, it's YOUR fault. Somehow, it's not the fault of: The state Crony capitalism Greedy corporations Unscrupulous business practices Junk loans   Noooooo way. It's YOUR fault, peons...

Photo by Matheus Farias on Unsplash   In a stroke of perfect timing, LinkedIn published, "Time to redefine the American Dream?" which you can find here: https://www.linkedin.com/news/story/time-to-redefine-the-american-dream-5979906/ In the blurb, editor Jake Perez writes: "For Gen X workers saddled with more debt than their predecessors (boomers) and protégés (millennials), the...

Another job market prediction come true. "When we think about flexible work, greenwashing may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but it’s more relevant than you might realize. Just as companies have overstated and put a spin on their environmental and sustainability initiatives...