Well no duh (yet again)

Well no duh (yet again)

Image by Anja from Pixabay


“The nation’s most influential banker, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, told investors Monday that he continues to expect the U.S. economy to be resilient and grow this year. But he worries geopolitical events including the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war, as well as U.S. political polarization, might be creating an environment that ‘may very well be creating risks that could eclipse anything since World War II.’

The comments came in an annual shareholder letter from Dimon, who often uses the letter to weigh in broad topics like politics, regulation and global events and what it might mean to JPMorgan Chase, as well as the broader economy.

Dimon also used his letter to forcefully defend the firm’s diversity and equality efforts, pushing back on the arguments from Republicans who have said such efforts at Fortune 500 companies, colleges and universities are discriminatory and promote left-wing ideology.”


Do ya think?


This is what the warhawks want. They love division. They love creating new wars and new bogeymen for you to be afraid of. Don’t talk to people who disagree with you. Don’t read any books that challenge you. Hell, don’t read at all. Don’t ask too many questions. Just sit down, shut up, and don’t make any waves for the important fat cats.


“Dimon had particular concerns with continued large amounts of deficit spending by the U.S. government and other countries, as well as the need for countries such as the U.S. to remilitarize and continue to build out green infrastructure, all of which will likely keep inflation higher than investors expect.

Because of these issues, Dimon said he is less optimistic that the U.S. economy will achieve a ‘soft landing,’ which he defined as modest growth along with declining inflation and interest rates, compared to the broader market. While he says the investors are pricing in a ‘70% to 80%’ chance of a soft landing, Dimon thinks the chances of such an ideal outcome are ‘a lot less’ than that.’

-AP, Ibid.


There’s a 0% chance IMO that we get a “soft landing” from this mess. No f**king way. People still in a fantasy that we’ll get back to 2018-2019 prices if some magical candidate is elected to office: ha!


First of all, none of these idiots will buck the system. Read the JFK posts on this blog. If a rare bird makes it to that office who tries to, like, ya know, look out for John & Jane Q. Public, bye bye. Time for the dirt nap.


Secondly, we’ve already seen a fat cat telling the peons that inflation is permanent:


Don’t miss this information:
➡️ Inflation is a helluva lot higher than any 3% and in some cases, it’s even higher than the 20% number that Scarborough tosses out.
➡️ PERMANENT INFLATION. That’s an important note. A Wall Street corporate CEO fat cat just said the quiet part out loud on national television. Inflation is theft, plain and simple, and clearly the cronies do not plan to allow prices to return to 2018-2019 levels.


“You can LARP that whichever politician you support will really take on the fat cats and wrest control from Corpo America and give it back to John & Jane Q. Public and prices will go down and inflation will abate but, man, you’re smokin’ some real good hopium on that one. We had someone like that once who locked horns with Big Business and pushed back against inflationary cycles and after he was murdered, we were all taught he was a self-absorbed sex fiend playboy moron.

These notions of permanent inflation and ‘you don’t want deflation, little peon’ are priming the pump for you to get the fantasy out of your head that we’ll ever see 2018-2019 prices again.”



The fat cats need to make their profits. The American Wehrmacht must be funded. Your needs as a mere serf are of no consequence.


This content was originally published at https://consaracytheories.com/blog/f/well-no-duh-yet-again on April 15, 2024. Older blog posts can be found at: https://consaracytheories.com/blog.

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